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Thursday, July 2, 2009

How To Conceive A Boy - Tips For Having A Son Using Natural Gender Selection Methods

If you would like to know how to conceive a boy there are various pro-active steps you can take to maximize your chances of having a son.

Firstly, it is important to understand that many more couples than we realize would like to choose the gender of their children but only a small fraction of these actually do anything about it. However, there is evidence to suggest that some methods have a 95% success rate and are certainly worth considering. I guess that even if the outcome was not as you had hoped, you would feel that at least you had tried everything possible and would not feel as if you could have done more.

The best methods to help you learn how to conceive a boy are those which take a multifaceted approach rather than hoping that just one system, will help. For example, it is known that diet, timing of intercourse, the position of intercourse and the ph levels of the vagina all have an influence on which sex of child is conceived. It therefore makes complete sense to shun any methods which just concentrate on one aspect and also to avoid any which are not based on scientific facts, but hearsay and old wives tales!

One important element of natural gender selection is the behavior of sperm. Male sperm is much faster moving than its female counterpart. However, it is less robust and does not live as long. Using this knowledge to our advantage, if we have intercourse as near to the time of ovulation as possible, the fast male sperm are more likely to reach the egg first. Having intercourse a couple of days before ovulation makes the conception of a girl more likely as by the time the egg is released, the male sperm will have perished. To determine the timing of ovulation, an ovulation kit is extremely useful.

Other tips for having a son include having intercourse in positions which favor deep penetration, as the area around the cervix is more supportive of male sperm.If you would like to see tried-and-tested methods which will help you to have your son, there is an excellent guide which is based on scientific rather than anecdotal principles. It includes dietary information and the exact gender clinic douche recipe which normally retails at $450. In addition, you can also subscribe to a completely free newsletter which gives hints and tips on natural gender selection.

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